Golden Axe

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The titan Death-Adder stole the legendary golden axe from the Thunder God long ago.

Using the powers of the Earth, Fire and Thunder Gods, Tarik defeated Death-Adder and the titan clan.

With the legendary golden axe, Tarik won many battles against the enemies of his people.

And thus, he came to be a king and mighty ruler in his own right.

The End...


SMS Genesis & PS2
Cuma ada 1 tokoh protagonis: Tarik Ada 3 tokoh protagonis: Ax Battler, Tyris Flare, dan Gilius Thunderhead
Di awal permainan, Tarik bisa memilih kekuatan magis yang bisa digunakan: Earth, Fire, atau Thunder. Setiap tokoh mempunyai kekuatan magis sendiri: Ax Battler (Earth), Tyris Flare (Fire), Gilius Thunderhead (Thunder)
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