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  • its march southward; but a violent storm did the fleet great damage and 400 ships were lost, including much corn transport. At first the united Hellenes...
    83 KB (14.972 kata) - 25 April 2024 03.31
  • plains, and they asked their leave when they would pass them: others for the corn fields, and to these they recommend them, that they might be fertile, placing...
    21 KB (3.483 kata) - 5 April 2023 09.26
  • ab- surd as their black brethren in the pine-roosts of New Jersey or the corn-fields of Pennsylvania, I wondered who it was who had lived in Japan three...
    44 KB (6.847 kata) - 13 Desember 2023 10.17
  • America I read of gaudily advertised " Japanese boot-blacking," and " Japanese corn- files." I now see that the Japanese wear no boots or shoes, hence blacking...
    27 KB (4.220 kata) - 13 Desember 2023 10.10
  • La Mancha. Such precautions are indispensable for the protection of the corn, when in the ear, against the numerous flights of the pipi, a small bird...
    74 KB (12.197 kata) - 4 April 2023 01.32
  • southern part; tea is grown almost everywhere. The tobacco plant, hemp, corn, mulberry for silkworm food, rice, wheat, barley, millet, buckwheat, potatoes...
    28 KB (4.735 kata) - 15 Desember 2023 04.16
  • have cleared only a small place near their houses for a garden of Indian corn. This evening they have shown me one of the monsters of these forests. It...
    51 KB (9.507 kata) - 6 Mei 2024 08.41
  • consider the past and present geographical distribution of maize, or Indian corn, which is also a native of our continent only, and, like tobacco, is now...
    70 KB (13.179 kata) - 6 Mei 2024 08.39
  • La Mancha. Such precautions are indispensable for the protection of the corn, when in the ear, against the numerous flights of the pipi, a small bird...
    1 KB (180.867 kata) - 1 April 2023 11.35
  • been taken off, when they are trained to the chinkareens, the shade of the corn being thought favourable to the young plants. The vines, as has been observed...
    85 KB (14.689 kata) - 12 Maret 2023 00.10