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- revelation. Almost simultaneously on my right I behold the sea, broad, blue, myriad-smiling. Thalatte ! Thalatte ! I have not seen the Pacific, nor Fuji, for...28 KB (4.405 kata) - 13 Desember 2023 10.41
- generals paced smiling, content at the sound of rifle shots mingling with the music of the national hymn and the clink of wine glasses. I am satisfied that...52 KB (9.145 kata) - 15 Desember 2023 04.40
- of the mouth is the Japanese equivalent of the soliloquy, " What a fool I am !" or the interrogation, " You think I'm a fool, don't 380 THE MIKADO'S EMPIRE...30 KB (4.646 kata) - 13 Desember 2023 10.13
- in a black suit. Again and again I found it required great self-command to keep from smiling when it was expected I should look very grave and dignified;...55 KB (10.041 kata) - 6 Mei 2024 08.09
- mountains in a spoon-like basin. I had hardly time to congratulate myself on having reached the summit, when our guide, now smiling, put his arms in the straps...86 KB (15.734 kata) - 18 Oktober 2024 01.41
- described as " the most beautiful for varied scenery in the world." Of course, I am quoting from those who speak in the same sense in which a mother speaks when...72 KB (10.831 kata) - 13 Desember 2023 10.10