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Dari Wikibuku bahasa Indonesia, sumber buku teks bebas
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Markup wiki biasa digunakan bila tidak bisa membuat sesuatu dengan tulisan biasa, seperti menebalkan huruf dan heading. Berikut ini adalah daftar markup beserta contohnya.

Text formatting markup

Deskripsi Anda ketik Anda melihat
format tulisan – berlaku dimana saja
Teks Italic


Teks tebal


Tebal dan Italic
'''''bold & italic'''''

bold & italic

Menghindari markup wiki
<nowiki>no ''markup''</nowiki>

no ''markup''

Menghindari markup wiki sekali


format bagian – hanya pada permulaan kalimat
Heading dengan level berbeda

== Level 2 ==

=== Level 3 ===

==== Level 4 ====

===== Level 5 =====

====== Level 6 ======


  • Lewati Level 1, karena itu adalah nama laman.
  • Pada artikel dengan heading berjumlah lebih dari 4 akan secara otomatis daftar laman.

Level 2


Level 3


Level 4

Level 5
Level 6
Garis Horisontal
Teks atas
Teks bawah

Teks atas

Teks bawah

List tanpa urutan
* Start each line
* with an [[Wikipedia:asterisk|asterisk]] (*).
** More asterisks gives deeper
*** and deeper levels.
* Line breaks<br/>don't break levels.
*** But jumping levels creates empty space.
Any other start ends the list.
  • Start each line
  • with an asterisk (*).
    • More asterisks gives deeper
      • and deeper levels.
  • Line breaks
    don't break levels.
      • But jumping levels creates empty space.

Any other start ends the list.

List dengan nomor
# Start each line
# with a [[Wikipedia:Number_sign|number sign]] (#).
## More number signs gives deeper
### and deeper
### levels.
# Line breaks<br/>don't break levels.
### But jumping levels creates empty space.
# Blank lines

# end the list and start another.
Any other start also
ends the list.
  1. Start each line
  2. with a number sign (#).
    1. More number signs gives deeper
      1. and deeper
      2. levels.
  3. Line breaks
    don't break levels.
      1. But jumping levels creates empty space.
  4. Blank lines
  1. end the list and start another.

Any other start also ends the list.

List definisi
;item 1
: definition 1
;item 2
: definition 2-1
: definition 2-2
item 1
definition 1
item 2
definition 2-1
definition 2-2
Indent text
: Single indent
:: Double indent
::::: Multiple indent

Note:Cara ini mungkin menimbulkan kontroversi dari sudut pandang aksesibilitas.

Single indent
Double indent
Multiple indent
Campuran dari jenis list
# one
# two
#* two point one
#* two point two
# three
#; three item one
#: three def one
# four
#: four def one
#: this looks like a continuation
#: and is often used
#: instead<br/>of <nowiki><br/></nowiki>
# five
## five sub 1
### five sub 1 sub 1
## five sub 2

Note:The usage of #: and *: for breaking a line within an item may also be controversial.

  1. one
  2. two
    • two point one
    • two point two
  3. three
    three item one
    three def one
  4. four
    four def one
    this looks like a continuation
    and is often used
    of <br/>
  5. five
    1. five sub 1
      1. five sub 1 sub 1
    2. five sub 2
Preformatted text
 Start each line with a space.
 Text is '''preformatted''' and
 ''markups'' '''''can''''' be done.

Note:This way of preformatting only applies to section formatting. Character formatting markups are still effective.

Start each line with a space.
Text is preformatted and
markups can be done.
Preformatted text blocks
 <nowiki>Start with a space in the first column,
(before the <nowiki>).

Then your block format will be
This is good for copying in code blocks:

def function():
    """documentation string"""

    if True:
        print True
        print False</nowiki>
Start with a space in the first column,
(before the <nowiki>).

Then your block format will be

This is good for copying in code blocks:

def function():
    """documentation string"""

    if True:
        print True
        print False



Untuk memulai paragraf baru, berikanlah baris kosong. Atau Anda bisa memaksanya untuk membuat paragraf dengan tag HTML <br/>.

tag HTML


Beberapa tag HTML diperbolehkan di Wiki, sebagai contoh <code>, <div>, <span> dan <font>. Ini berlaku dimana saja Anda memakainya.

Deskripsi Anda Ketik Anda Lihat
(Menampilkan garis bawah pada hampir semua browser.)


<span style="text-decoration: underline;">Underline</span>




(Menampilkan strikethrough pada hampir semua browser.)


<span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Deleted</span>




Teks dengan lebar tetap
<code>Source code</code>


<tt>Fixed width text</tt>

Source code


Fixed width text

Block petikkan
text above
text above
text below
text below

text above text above


text below text below

<!-- This is a comment -->
Comments are only visible
in the edit window.

Comments are only visible in the edit window.

Teks sudah diformat sepenuhnya
<pre> Text is '''preformatted''' and
''markups'' '''''cannot''''' be done</pre>

Note:For marking up of preformatted text, check the "Preformatted text" entry at the bottom of the previous table.

 Text is '''preformatted''' and
''markups'' '''''cannot''''' be done
Customized teks sudah di format
<pre style="color:red">
Text is '''preformatted'''
with a style and
''markups'' '''''cannot''''' be done

Note: A CSS style can be named within the style property.

Text is '''preformatted'''
with a style and
''markups'' '''''cannot''''' be done
Customized teks sudah diformat supaya menyesuaikan dengan lebar layar
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap; 
white-space: -moz-pre-wrap; 
word-wrap: break-word">
This longer sentence is used to demonstrate text wrapping.
This longer sentence is used to demonstrate text wrapping.

Memasukkan simbol


Simbol dan karakter spesial lainnya tidak tersedia pada keyboard anda tetapi dapat di masukkan melalui kode khusus. Kode tersebut di sebut juga HTML entities. Sebagai contoh, code &rarr; ketika dimasukkan akan tampil seperti right arrow HTML simbol → dan &mdash; ketika dimasukkan akan di tampilkan sebagai em dash HTML symbol —

Note: Arahkan mouse Anda pada karakter untuk mengetahui kode digunakan. Simbol yang tidak tersedia akan tampil seperti kotak kosong.

HTML symbol entities
á Â â ´ Æ æ À à Α α & Å å Ã ã Ä ä Β β ¦ Ç ç ¸ ¢
Χ χ ˆ © ¤ ° Δ δ ÷ É é Ê ê È è Ε ε Η η
Ð ð Ë ë ƒ ½ ¼ ¾ Γ γ > Í í Î î ¡ Ì ì Ι ι
¿ Ï ï Κ κ Λ λ « < ¯ µ · Μ μ  
¬ Ñ ñ Ν ν Ó ó Ô ô Œ œ Ò ò Ω ω Ο ο ª º Ø ø Õ õ Ö
ö Φ φ Π π ϖ ± £ Ψ ψ " » ® Ρ ρ
Š š § ­ Σ σ ς ¹ ² ³ ß Τ τ Θ θ ϑ Þ þ ˜
× Ú ú Û û Ù ù ¨ ϒ Υ υ Ü ü Ξ ξ Ý ý ¥ ÿ Ÿ Ζ ζ
Deskripsi Anda Ketik Anda Lihat
Simbol Copyright
Simbol huruf Yunani delta
Simbol matauang euro

See the list of all HTML entities on the Wikipedia article List of HTML entities. Additionally, MediaWiki supports two non-standard entity reference sequences: &רלמ; and &رلم; which are both considered equivalent to &rlm; which is a right-to-left mark. (Used when combining right to left languages with left to right languages in the same page.)

HTML tags and symbol entities displayed themselves (with and without interpreting them)

&amp;euro;  → &euro;
<span style="color: red; text-decoration: line-through;">Typo to be corrected</span>  → Typo to be corrected
&lt;span style="color: red; text-decoration: line-through;">Typo to be corrected&lt;/span>  → <span style="color: red; text-decoration: line-through;">Typo to be corrected</span>