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  • PROVERBS. THE proverbs of a nation are mirrors of its character. Not only the genius and wit, but the prejudices, the loves, the hates, the stand- ards of actions...
    20 KB (3.153 kata) - 13 Desember 2023 10.39
  • a pin drop after the hush that announced the coming of the daimio. Matsudaira Mochiake, late" Lord of Echizen, and feudal head of the Fukui clan, who was...
    76 KB (11.737 kata) - 13 Desember 2023 10.41
  • the current, tumbled down, when a swarm of flies flew buzzing out. Attracted by this, the queen had the earth removed, and discovered the bodies of her...
    86 KB (15.734 kata) - 18 Oktober 2024 01.41
  • their women performing the labors of the field. They have neither king nor lord, and all their government depends on the advice of their elders; and as...
    61 KB (11.227 kata) - 6 Mei 2024 08.38
  • bamboos of the thickness of a man's thigh. There were myriads of very small flies this evening, which teased us much. Occupied some huts we found on the eastern...
    1 KB (180.873 kata) - 1 November 2024 03.02