
Dari Wikibuku bahasa Indonesia, sumber buku teks bebas

Kata Pengantar[sunting]

Berisi kumpulan cerita pribadi ketika "berwikipedia". Siapapun yang punya kisah-kisah unik selama berwikipedia dapat berkontribusi di Wikibooks ini.

Prinsip dasar berwikipedia[sunting]

Wikimedia projects have certain founding principles in common. These principles may evolve or be refined over time, but they are considered ideals essential to the founding of the Wikimedia projects. People who strongly disagree with them are nonetheless expected to either respect them while collaborating on the site or turn to another site. Those unable or unwilling sometimes end up leaving the project.[1]

Ini adalah hukum dasar yang berlaku di Wikipedia (dan sister project lainnya).

Prinsip kenetralan[sunting]

1. Neutral point of view (NPOV) as a guiding editorial principle.

Artikel harus netral dan berimbang, tidak berat sebelah.

Bab selanjutnya[sunting]

