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Mungkin maksud Anda adalah: mesir genius
  • further remembered that this powerful genius had behind him in these first days of his activity the equally powerful genius of Danton; for it was Danton and...
    31 KB (5.489 kata) - 13 Desember 2023 03.00
  • to keep his captains and soldiers busy in time of inaction, and having a genius for the works of peace as well as war, he built splendid palaces at Kioto...
    28 KB (4.231 kata) - 13 Desember 2023 10.02
  • island, harbor, or reef. Nothing amidst all the crowding triumphs of the genius and power of man so impresses the reflecting mind as the thought of that...
    72 KB (10.831 kata) - 13 Desember 2023 10.10
  • the rise, not of great families, but of individuals, the mark of whose genius and en- ergy is stamped upon Japanese history. These three individuals were...
    54 KB (8.127 kata) - 13 Desember 2023 10.06
  • difficult to see in him any exalted traits of character or evidences of genius ; to Katsu and Okubo is due the last and best decision of his life. Katsu...
    101 KB (15.176 kata) - 13 Desember 2023 10.08
  • passionately fond of music, and perhaps in nothing has their inventive genius been so well displayed as in their peculiar musical instruments, which have...
    55 KB (10.041 kata) - 6 Mei 2024 08.09
  • affinity to the Persian word div or diw, which signifies an evil spirit or bad genius. Perhaps, long antecedent to the introduction of the faith of the khalifs...
    1 KB (180.866 kata) - 1 April 2023 11.35