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  • the distance between the star and the earth is decreasing and toward the red if the distance is increasing. By measuring this shift, the relative motion...
    7 KB (1.013 kata) - 3 Januari 2021 11.16
  • sama dengan 1,06 km, yang dipergunakan di Rusia sebelum sistim meteran, --Red. [**] Kaum Gompers, Henderson, Jouhoux dan Legien adalah tidak lain daripada...
    25 KB (3.467 kata) - 27 Maret 2023 10.27
  • any museum. At our main truck a small flag slowly unfolds and displays a red ball. This indicates that the governor is on board, and immediately a boat...
    61 KB (11.227 kata) - 6 Mei 2024 08.38
  • from unguents, is of a dark or reddish brown, and I have seen distinctly red hair among the latter. The beard and mustaches of the Ainos are allowed to...
    27 KB (4.042 kata) - 16 Desember 2023 03.30
  • mentioned. To fix their work they employ a glutinous substance made of the small red pea with a black spot before mentioned, ground to a pulp on a rough stone...
    43 KB (7.088 kata) - 5 April 2023 09.28
  • Bahasa Inggris terletak di depan kata benda yg diperikannya (msl red ‘merah’ dlm frase red car ‘mobil merah’). atrium {atrium} [Latin atrium, ruangan utama...
    141 KB (17.966 kata) - 22 Desember 2021 14.09
  • cerah, dan gunturnya hampir tidak terdengar. Tampaknya konsekuensi dari ini meteor yang mengerikan tidak begitu fatal di sana seperti di Eropa, beberapa contoh...
    1 KB (180.867 kata) - 1 April 2023 11.35