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  • Wattignies, 73, 136, 201, 208 Wellington, Duke of, 189 Westermann, 131 Wilder, 191 Wissembourg, 202 Wormhoudt, 191 Wurmser, 178 York, Duke of, 179, 181...
    5 KB (846 kata) - 13 Desember 2023 03.05
  • treasury. The actual energy of eight hundred pairs of arms developed a wilder- ness into leveled farm-fields within a week. 1 The yashiki is a product...
    17 KB (2.685 kata) - 13 Desember 2023 10.14
  • maintained by both sides for nearly two hours; but the Chinese shots got wilder and wilder as the Japanese improved, until finally the Shoju magazine blew up...
    52 KB (9.145 kata) - 15 Desember 2023 04.40
  • would with the French outposts, and quite surrounding the town of Bergues. Wilder was his headquarters. On the same day, the 24th, the Duke of York had with...
    31 KB (5.489 kata) - 13 Desember 2023 03.00
  • and their emotions, their 'desires and fears and rages,' were probably wilder and fiercer than ours. Yet they produced the Athens of Pericles and of Plato...
    48 KB (8.370 kata) - 27 April 2024 02.07
  • our own, despite the increased jargon from the tifa and the gong, and a wilder whooping from every native, varied by mutterings from each, to the effect...
    55 KB (10.041 kata) - 6 Mei 2024 08.09