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Teknik Informatika/Blender

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Blender Foundation facilitates a public project with the mission to get the world’s best 3D CG technology in the hands of artists as free/open source software. Our vision is that everyone should be free to create 3D CG content, with free technical and creative production means and free access to markets.

Tujuan utamanya, agar siapapun bisa membuat konten 3D. Kalau dulu kan, gak semua orang bisa punya akses ke software 3D, soalnya softwarenya itu mahal. Nah, kalau Blender, gratis.

The Foundation’s goals are:

  1. Manage the facilities on blender.org for users and developers who want to contribute to Blender.
  2. Maintain and improve the current Blender product via a public accessible source code system under the GNU General Public License.
  3. Establish funding or revenue mechanisms that serve the foundation’s goals and cover the foundation’s expenses.
  4. Provide individual artists and small teams with a complete, free and open source 3D creation pipeline

Ini proker nyatanya. Pertama, mengelola komunitas yang ingin bekerjasama dalam mengembangkan Blender. Kedua, ngoding Blendernya. Ketiga, mengusahakan pendanaan.

The Blender Foundation (2002) is an independent public benefit organization with the purpose to provide a complete, free and open source 3D creation pipeline. Its spin-off corporation Blender Institute (2007) hosts the foundation’s offices and currently employs 24 people who work on the Blender software and creative projects to validate and stress Blender in production environments.

The Foundation’s income is via donations and the Development Fund (nvidia, unity, aws, amd, facebook, epic games, microsoft, ubisoft, adobe, intel, google, steam workshop, studio khara).

Blender remains a true community effort. Work on Blender itself, new projects or roadmaps are all managed via open channels on blender.org. You can learn more about them and get involved.

Stichting Blender Foundation
Buikslotermeerplein 161
1025 ET Amsterdam
the Netherlands



In 1988, Ton Roosendaal co-founded the Dutch animation studio NeoGeo. NeoGeo quickly became the largest 3D animation studio in the Netherlands and one of the leading animation houses in Europe. Within NeoGeo, Ton was responsible for both art direction and internal software development. After careful deliberation, Ton decided that the current in-house 3D tool set for NeoGeo was too old and cumbersome to maintain, and needed to be rewritten from scratch. In 1995 this rewrite began and was destined to become the 3D software creation we all know as Blender. As NeoGeo continued to refine and improve Blender, it became apparent to Ton that Blender could be used as a tool for other artists outside of NeoGeo.

In 1998, Ton decided to found a new company called Not a Number (NaN) as a spin-off of NeoGeo to further market and develop Blender. At the core of NaN was a desire to create and distribute a compact, cross-platform 3D application for free. NaN hoped to bring professional level 3D modeling and animation tools within the reach of the general computing public. NaN’s business model involved providing commercial products and services around Blender. In 1999 NaN attended its first SIGGRAPH conference in an effort to more widely promote Blender. Blender’s first SIGGRAPH convention was a huge success and gathered a tremendous amount of interest from both the press and attendees.

Following the success of the SIGGRAPH conference in early 2000, NaN secured financing of €4.5M from venture capitalists. This large inflow of cash enabled NaN to rapidly expand its operations. Soon NaN boasted as many as 50 employees working around the world trying to improve and promote Blender.

Unfortunately, NaN’s ambitions and opportunities did not match the company’s capabilities and the market realities of the time. Due to disappointing sales and the ongoing difficult economic climate, the new investors decided to shut down all NaN operations. The shutdown also included discontinuing the development of Blender. Since restarting a company with a sufficiently large team of developers was not feasible, Ton Roosendaal founded the non-profit organization, Blender Foundation, in March 2002.

In July 2002, Ton managed to get the NaN investors to agree to a unique Blender Foundation plan to attempt to release Blender as open source. The “Free Blender” campaign sought to raise €100,000 so that the Foundation could buy the rights to the Blender source code and intellectual property rights from the NaN investors and subsequently release Blender to the open source community. With an enthusiastic group of volunteers, among them several ex-NaN employees, a fundraising campaign was launched to “Free Blender”. To everyone’s surprise and delight the campaign reached the €100,000 goal in only seven short weeks.