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Teknik Informatika/EULA

Dari Wikibuku bahasa Indonesia, sumber buku teks bebas

End User License Agreement. Perjanjian yang harus kita tanda tangani sebelum menginstal suatu software atau mendaftar suatu layanan internet. Kadang, kita asal tanda-tangani saja, tanpa membaca dan meneliti perjanjian itu. Kalau kita tak setuju perjanjian itu, kita tidak boleh lanjut menginstal atau mendaftar. Bab ini akan mengupas beberapa contoh EULA yang ada pada berbagai software di dunia.

Dilarang pakai jika tak setuju



Kami tidak bertanggungjawab jika software ini mengakibatkan bencana


This software is provided by the copyright holders and contributors "as is". Any express or implied warranties are disclaimed. In no event shall we be liable for any damages.

Software ini "disewakan" untuk Anda, bukan "dijual" kepada Anda


The Software Product is owned by us, and is copyrighted and licensed, not sold.

Sebaiknya, kita selesaikan dulu secara kekeluargaan, sebelum menyeret masalahnya ke meja hijau


You and us agree to make reasonable, good faith efforts to informally resolve any dispute before initiating arbitration. A party who intends to seek arbitration must first send the other a written notice that describes the nature and basis of the claim or dispute and sets forth the relief sought. If you and us do not reach an agreement to resolve that claim or dispute within 30 days after the notice is received, you or us may commence an arbitration. Written notice to us must be sent via postal mail to us.

Sengketa harus diselesaikan melalui Arbitrase di Y dan menggunakan hukum Y. Wajib.


If You acquired the Software Product in X, disputes arising out of or in connection with this Software Product shall be finally settled by arbitration held in Y and this Agreement shall be governed, construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of Y, without regard to conflict of laws.

Dilarang berbohong di form pendaftaran


You promise to provide us with accurate, complete, and updated registration information about yourself.

Tidak boleh berpura-pura jadi orang lain


You may not select as your User ID a name that you don’t have the right to use, or another person’s name with the intent to impersonate that person.

Dilarang jual beli dan meminjamkan akun


You may not transfer your account to anyone else without our prior written permission.

Anak kecil wajib izin orang tua


You represent and warrant that you are an individual of legal age to form a binding contract (or if not, you’ve received your parent’s or guardian’s permission to use the Services and gotten your parent or guardian to agree to these Terms on your behalf).

Anak kecil dilarang


You may not become a subscriber if you are under the age of 13. Our service is not intended for children under 13 and we will not knowingly collect personal information from children under the age of 13.

Dilarang posting konten porno


Do not post, upload, transmit or otherwise disseminate information that is obscene, indecent, vulgar, pornographic, sexual or otherwise offensive or objectionable

Dilarang menyerang orang lain


Do not defame, libel, ridicule, mock, stalk, threaten, harass, intimidate, abuse anyone hatefully, racially, ethnically or otherwise offensive or objectionable to a portion of the public

Hubungi kami jika bingung


If you have any questions about this Agreement or have any requests for resolving issues arising from or in connection with this Agreement, please contact us in the first instance through email at bla at bla dot com.

Dilarang menjual konten kami


Do not sell, lease, rent, license, sublicense or otherwise use whole or part of our contents, information, element for a commercial purpose

Dilarang reverse engineer


Do not copy, reproduce, adapt, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble or otherwise create derivative works based on any of our Services.

Penyesuaian dengan hukum lokal



Kadang, perlu modifikasi EULA, atau sampai membuat dua EULA yang berbeda, untuk menyesuaikan dengan hukum lokal.

Jangan aneh aneh lah. Mohon gunakan akal sehat.


Your online conduct and interaction with other Subscribers should be guided by common sense and basic etiquette.

Software ini gratis. Tapi kalau kamu jadi kaya gara gara pakai software ini, mohon wajib lapor


By clicking, I confirm that I meet the following criteria :

  1. Do not make more than $100k in annual gross revenues.
  2. Have not raised funds in excess of $100k

Hak cipta konten Anda tetap ada di tangan Anda. Tapi, Anda mengizinkan kami untuk menggunakan konten Anda


First and foremost, you own what you create. Any original content you post, upload, share, store, or otherwise provide to us remains yours and is protected by copyright and any other applicable intellectual property laws. However, please note that you agree to grant us a limited license to your content in order to enable us to operate. You agree that this limited license includes a worldwide, nonexclusive, sublicensable, royalty-free, fully paid-up, transferable right (a) to market your contents and to permit others to use, access, and download your contents through us, and (b) to use your tradename(s), trademark(s), and logo(s) in connection with the distribution and marketing.