The Mikado's Empire/Catatan dan Apendiks/Garis Besar Kronologi Jepang
JAPANEBK history begins B.O. MO
Introduction of letters and writing. A.D. 862) jno »
Introduction of Buddhism A.I>. 652) °'
Propagation of Buddhism from 6th to 15th century
Military operations against the Alnte, or aboriginal tribes from B.O. 600-1200
Active and personal rule of the mikados. B.C. 660 to 8th century
Fujiwara family's greatest influence 8th century to 1107
Taira family's influence paramount 1167-1184
Mlnamoto family rules 1184-1219
The IIojo hold the governing power 1219-1383
The temporary mikadoate 1833-1335
The Ashikaga line of sh&gnns 1885-1574
Nobunaga holds the power 1574-1582
1 1 i i Iry osh i holds the power 1582-1598
The Tokugawa line of shognns 1604-1868
Duration of the dual system 1192-1868
Domination of the " military classes " 1167-1868
Duration of ancient feudalism B.O. 660 to 8th century A.D.
Duratiou of simple monarchy A.D. 8th to 12th century
Duration of modern complex feudalism 12th to 19th century
Japan known to foreigners A.D. 1542
Arrival of Commodore Perry in the Bay of Yedo July 7th, 1853
Treaty with the United States signed March 31st, 1854
Towneend Harris resides in Yedo October, 1857
Concludes a treaty of foreign residence and commerce August, 1858
Yokohama, Nagasaki, and Hakodate open to trade July 1st, 1859
First embassy sent to the United States January, 1860
The mikado restored to full power ; the ancient government re-established . . . Jan. 3d, 1868
Battle of Fushimi January 27th-30th, 1868
Name of the city of Yedo changed to T6kio, which is made the capital.. . . September, 1868
Hakodate taken ; surrender of the rebels ; war ended June, 1869
Abolition of the feudal system ; ex-daimios called to private life in Tokid, and retired on
pensions. October, 1871
Embassy representing the mikado and National Government make the circuit of the
world 1871-1872
National celebration of the 2536th year of the Japanese empire April 7th, 1876