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Wawanohan jeung Creative Commons/V. Hayu Ilubiung di Creative Commons! / Join Us in Contributing to Creative Commons!

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Creative Commons (CC) mangrupakeun organisai non-profit anu nyadiakeun lisénsi hak cipta sacara gratis jeung fléksibel. Nalika hidep ngagunakeun lisénsi CC hidep bisa méré widi pikeun sakabéh jalma pikeun ngagunakeun, ngarobah, jeung mekarkeun karya kréatif tapi tetep aya sababara katangtuan anu kudu dicumponan.

Ieu di handap aya sababaraha cara pikeun ngilu ilubiung di Creative Commons:

  1. Nyieun Karya Kréatif Ngagunakeun Lisénsi CC:
    • Pilih Lisénsi anu cocoh: CC nawarkeun sababaraha jenis lisénsi sarta aya sababaraha katangtuan anu béda-béda luyu jeung udagan anu rék dipaké.
    • Béré Atribusi: béré informasi ngeunaan lisénsi CC anu rék digunakeun, asupkeun ngaran anu nyieun karya sarta béré aksés sumber karya aslina.
    • Sebarkeun Karya: bagikeun karya di aplikasi anu ngarojong lisénsi CC, contona di Wikimedia Commons.
  2. Ngagunakeun Karya Lisénsi
    • Téangan Karya: loba situs wéb anu nyadiakeun karya anu ngagunakeun lisénsi Creative Commons. Hidep bisa langsung néangan ngagunakeun kata kunci "Creative Commons".
    • Baca jeung Tumut kana Katangtuan: hidep kudu nyumponan sakabéh katangtuan lisénsi CC anu aya dina karya.
    • Mekarkeun Karya: hidep bisa ngilu kontribusi pikeun mekarkeun karya anu miboga lisénsi CC, salasahiji contona dina kagiatan narjamahkeun hiji karya.


Creative Commons (CC) is a non-profit organization that provides free and flexible copyright licenses. By using a CC license, you can grant others permission to use, modify, and distribute your creative work under specified conditions.

Here are some ways to contribute to Creative Commons:

  1. Creating Creative Works with a CC License:
    • Choose the Right License: CC offers a variety of licenses with different combinations of terms. Select the license that best suits your goals.
    • Provide Attribution: Be sure to include information about the CC license you are using, your name as the creator, and a link to the original work if possible.
    • Share Your Work: Distribute your work on platforms that support CC licenses, such as Wikimedia Commons.
  2. Using CC-Licensed Works:
    • Find Works: Many platforms provide CC-licensed works. You can search for them in search engines by adding the keyword "Creative Commons".
    • Follow License Terms: Make sure you follow the terms stated in the CC license. Some licenses may require you to provide attribution or not use the work for commercial purposes.
    • Create Further: You can use CC-licensed works as a basis for creating new works. However, ensure that you continue to comply with the applicable license terms.