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Who's Who in China (edisi ke-3)/Ch'en Chih-lin

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Mr. T. L. Chen


(Ch'en Chih-lin)

Mr. T. L. Chen was born at Hai-ch'en Hsien, Fukien Province, in 1897. He became a Shiu-tsai or Licentiate in 1896. In 1902 he graduated from the Anglo-Chinese College, Foochow. In 1903 Mr. Chen became Master of the An Chee High School. In the same year he became a Chu-jen or Provincial Graduate. In 1904-1905 Mr. Chen travelled through the Straits-Settlements and Dutch Colonies. On his return he became President of the Middle School of Changchow. In 1908 Mr. Chen was elected Vice-President of the Fukien Provincial Assembly. First time from October 1912 to February 1913 and second time from December 1913 to May 1914, Mr. Chen was Financial Commissioner of Fukien. During the intervening period he was Taotai of Amoy. Then he was also President of the Anti-Opium Bureau. In May 1914 he was called to Peking. In September 1917 Mr. Chen was nominated by the Fukien Governors as Senator of the Provisional Senate in Peking. He is at present the general manager of the Fukien Industry Company, director of the Foochow Electric Light Co., Foochow Motor-Car Co., and the Whapao Mining Co. He is also the manager of the Woo-Hong Bank of Amoy, and the Chinese manager of the American-Oriental Bank of Fukien, Foochow. Besides all the above responsible positions with which he is connected, he is the chairman of the Foochow Y. M. C. A., vice-chairman of Foochow International Anti-Opium Society, and is one of the members of the National Committee of Y. M. C. A's. of China.