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Who's Who in China (edisi ke-3)/Chang Huai-chih

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General Chang Huai-chih 張懷芝字子

General Chang Huai-chih was born at Tung-a Hsien, Shantung province, in 1860. He began his military career as Adjutant Aide-de-Camp to the late Yuan Shih-kai. In 1905 General Chang became Commander of the Defence Forces at Shanhaikuan. In 1908 he was sent to Japan to witness the Grand Manoeuver, Upon his return to China he joined the Peiyang First Division. After several promotions, he became Commander of the Shantung Fifth Division stationed at Tinafu. Shortly before the establishment of the Republic, his division was transferred to Tientsin. After the First Revolution, General Chang was appointed Defence Commision of Tientsin. Later he was transferred to be Defence Commissioner of Paotingfu, from which position he resigned in the middle of 1914. In September 1915 General Chang was appointed Tutung of Charhar Special Area. In May 1916 he was appointed Military Director of Shantung and two months later he became Tuchun of Shantung, and was also given the concurrent position of the Civil Governor of that province. In May 1917 General Chang received the Second Order of Merit. In June 1917 General Chang joined with Generals Ni of Anhui, Chang Tso-lin of Fengtien, Tsao Kun of Chihli, and others in defending the position of Marshal Tuan Chi-jui against President Li Yuan-hung. This political issue finally resulted in the attempt by Chang Hsun to restore the old monarchy. When Marshal Tuan declared war against Chang Hsun, General Chang stood with the former and rendered valuable service by cutting off at Tsinan Chang Hsun's reinforcement from Anhui. In January 1919 General Chang was appointed Chief of General Staff which position he is still holding. In January 1920 he received the First Order of Merit. In October 1920 he was awarded the First Order of Tashou Paokuang. In January 1922 General Chang was made a full general. In October 1923 General Chang was made a Marshal with the Title "Fong Wei."