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Who's Who in China (edisi ke-3)/Chu P'ei-chen

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Mr. Chu Pao-San 朱佩珍字葆三

Mr. Chu Pao-san, is rightly called the veteran merchant of Shanghai, having been in business in Shanghai for more than 60 years. Was born in 1847 in the city of Tinghai, Chekiang, Mr. Chu indeed has had a most varied and interesting commercial life, serving as the head even today of many industrial enterprises. As chairman of the Chinese General Chamber of Commerce, Shanghai he enjoyed the confidence of all Chinese and foreigners in the community on account of his spirit of public service and keen sense for justice. He alsс served for sometime as the Vice-Chairman of the National Association of Chambers of Commerce. In banking, he promoted the Commercial Bank of China, the Ningpo Commercial Bank, Ltd., the Chekiang Industrial Bank, Ltd., and the Chung Hwa Commercial and Savings Bank. In insurance, he was organizer of the Wah An Fire and Marine Insurance Co., Ltd., the Wah Sing Insurance Co., Ltd., and the China United Assurance Society, Ltd. In mining, Mr. Chu is directing the Liu Kiang and Chang Hsin Mining companies. In electric works, he has considerable interests in the Shanghai Nantao Tramway Co., Ltd., the Ting Hai Electric Construction Company and the Chousan Electric Company. In navigation, Mr. Chu is director of the Chousan Steam Navigation Co., the Yung An Steamship Company, the Yung Lee Shipping Company and the Chang Ho Navigation Company. Besides these Mr. Chu organized the Lung Chang Paper Mill, the Ta Yu Factory, the Ta Tah Steamship Company, the Nantao Water Works, the Shanghai Cement Company, the Li Dah and Chung Hsin Flour Mills, the Shanghai Silk Manufacturing Co., the Sin Wan Pao, Ltd., the First Woolen Goods Factory, the Ho Hsin Iron Foundry, the Ho Fung Cotton Mill, Ningpo, and others. Educationally, he is trustee for the Shanghai Commercial School, the Tung Chi Medical and Engineering College, the Ting Hai School, the Sheng Yi School in Tinghai and the Yi Chi School of Ningpo. In philanthropic and public enterprises, he is director of the Union Club, the Chinese Red Cross Society, the Ningpo Guild, the Ting Hai Guild, the Door of Hope, the Kwang Yi, Jen Chi and Wei Chung Benevolent Institutes, the Ningpo Hospital, the Kwang Chi Hospital, the Tung Chi Hospital, the Shanghai Summer Disease Hospital, the Woosung Quarantine Hospital, the Shanghai Kung Li Hospital, the Shanghai Orphanage, the Hsin Pu Yi Tang, the Pu Yi Industrial Home, the Anti-Kidnapping Society, the Tung Yi and Liengyi Philanthropic Institutes, the Bureau for the Cheap Sale of Rice and the International Famine Relief Committee.