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Peta menampilkan lokasi Denmark di Eropa

Denmark adalah negara di Eropa bagian selatan. Berbatasan dengan Jerman, dan terhubung ke Swedia melalui jalan jembatan. Denmark terdiri dari daratan dan ratusan pulau. Ibu kotanya yakni Kopenhagen. Kota besar lain yaitu Århus dan Odense. Denmark bergabung ke Uni Eropa pada 1973, dan menggunakan mata uang krone Denmark.

Denmark's realms extend well beyond the few islands and peninsulas it makes up in Scandinavia. The Realm of Denmark or the Kingdom of Denmark also includes Greenland, the world's largest non-continental island and the Faroe Islands, an archipelago in the Atlantic Ocean. Both the Faroe Islands and Greenland have a considerable level of autonomy, but are both a part of the Nordic council, use the Danish Krone as their currency, and observe the Danish monarch as their head of state.