Daftar Kata Berawalan Skizo-
Berikut adalah daftar kata yang berawalan skizo- disertai dengan makna dan teks sumbernya yang menyebut pertama kali. Kata skizo- di sini dimaksudkan sebagai skizofrenia atau hal yang berkaitan dengannya (baik secara maknawi maupun etimologis).
Daftar kata, makna dan teks sumbernya terutama diambil dari Kieran McNally, Palgrave Studies in the Theory and History of Psychology: A Critical History of Schizophrenia, Palgrave-Macmillan, London: 2016 serta Richard Noll, American Madness: The Rise and Fall of Dementia Praecox, Harvard University Press, Cambridge & London: 2011. Agar lebih lengkap dan sistematis, jika tercantum, maka makna akan dirujuk kepada karya kami yang lain Kosa Jiwa: Kamus Kesehatan Jiwa untuk Masyarakat Awam.
Rujukan lain yang dipergunakan dalam penyusunan daftar ini, termasuk yang dipergunakan dalam tabel, dicantumkan pada bagian akhir tulisan ini.
affective schizophrenia | paduan antara skizofrenia dan gangguan bipolar; skizoafektif | Hemphill, 1952 |
idiopathic schizophrenias | The creation, use, and demarcation of terminology constituted a serious attempt to claim new knowledge. Accordingly, the British Medical Journal would happily publish letters like Felix Post’s nuanced argument ‘that we should speak of “complete” rather than of “idiopathic ’ schizophrenias” | Felix Post di British Medical Journal, 1963 |
paranoid schizophrenia | ||
partial schizophrenia | istilah yang diusulkan oleh Felix Post sebagai pengganti istilah symptomatic schizophrenia dan paranoid schizophrenia | Felix Post di British Medical Journal, 1963 |
postemotive schizophrenia | (a hysterical psychosis of wish fulfilling nature) was also considered a form
of the schizophrenia precipitated by a severe physical, social, or sexual trauma, known as ‘postemotive schizophrenia ’ |
Milici, 1939; Milici & von Salzan, 1938 |
puerperal schizophrenia | skizofrenia murni, yang tidak mengikutsertakan skizoafektif | Hemphill, 1952 |
schistic production | seni grafis yang dihasilkan oleh pasien dengan skizofrenia. | Lewis, 1925/ 1928 |
schizencephaly | A disruption in neural circuitry between the
cortex and cerebellum would be hypothesised as ‘a schizophrenia that is due to a schizencephaly’ |
Andreason, 1999 |
schizexperiences | early life experiences from the first few weeks of life, recalled under methylphenidate, and without which it was theorised that schizophrenia could not occur | Anon, 1972a |
schizileptic | skizofrenia sebagai sebuah penyakit | Washington Post, 1924a |
schizipathic | skizofrenia sebagai sebuah penyakit | Washington Post, 1924a |
schizoanalysis | sebuah metode dari sebuah sistem untuk memperlakukan ranah-bawah-sadar sebagai sistem yang tidak sentralistis; atau dalam kata lain, sebagai jejaring mekanik dari sebuah akar rimpang (finite automata; rhizome), untuk menghadirkan kondisi yang berlainan dari bawah sadar tersebut. | Deleuze & Guattari, 2004 |
schizobulia |
Beigel, 1971; Schulhof, 1928 |
schizococcus | virus berbentuk coccus yang menyebabkan skizofrenia | Torrey, 1988 |
schizogen | sejenis zat/obat yang menghasilkan sebuah kondisi yang 'mirip karakter alamiah psikosis (gangguan penilaian realitas), terutama skizofrenia'. | Hinsie & Campbell, 1970 |
schizogene | gen yang menyebabkan skizofrenia, yang sesuai dengan hukum pewarisan keturunan Mendel | Gottesman & Shields, 1976 |
schizographie | sebuah bentuk khusus dari schizophasia | Lacan, 1931 |
schizoid | skizoid | Bleuler, 1972/1978 |
schizoid citadel | (sebuah mekanisme pertahanan untuk) bagian kemunduran dari ego skizofrenia. | Guntrip, 1969 |
schizoid neurosis | Zajicek, 2014 | |
schizokinesis | konflik dalam diri antara respon emosional umum dan respon yang lebih selaras yang mengarah kepada gejala negativisme. | Grantt, 1953 |
schizomania | Minkowski, 1927 | |
schizomanie atau états dits schizomaniaques | Claude, 1924 | |
schizomimetic | sejenis zat/obat yang menghasilkan sebuah kondisi yang 'mirip karakter alamiah psikosis (gangguan penilaian realitas), terutama skizofrenia'. | Hinsie & Campbell, 1970 |
Schizonoïa atau schizonoiac | individu yang pada tahap perkembangannya terganggu dalam hal relasi emosional dini dengan ibunya. | Laforgue, 1927 |
schizoparagraphia | semacam menggambar secara spontan | Bobon, 1952, 1967 |
schizoparalexia | semacam menggambar secara spontan | Bobon, 1952, 1967 |
schizoparaphasia | semacam menggambar secara spontan | Bobon, 1952, 1967 |
schizopathy atau schizopathie (Bahasa Jerman) | adanya taraf penyakit dengan hadirnya keberadaan bukti. | Bleuler, 1930a |
schizophasia atau schizophasie | bentuk-bentuk bahasa yang tidak koheren (lisan atau tulisan). | Lacan, 1931; Lacan, 1975 |
schizophasia atau schizophasie | sebuah kemunduran dalam bentuk bahasa. | Bleuler and
Claude, 1926/2001 |
schizophilic theories | teori yang menyatakan bahwa skizofrenia adalah sebuah penyakit yang disebabkan oleh mikroorganisme, dan karena itu terjadi karena infeksi dari jasad renik semacam ini. | Roudinesco, 1986 |
schizophrene | ||
schizophrenese | bentuk tertentu dari bahasa yang tidak koheren. | Hill, 1955 |
schizophrenia | ||
schizophrenic | ||
schizophrenic atmosphere | atmosfer/suasana yang ditemukan dalam karya-karya Van Gogh and Hölderlin. | Jaspers, 1949/1977 |
schizophrenic float | fakta bahwa sejumlah pasien memiliki cara berjalan yang aneh/unik. | Meehl, 1973 |
schizophrenic perplexity | the state of observable regression of the
personality processes (the patient lived in a world and participated in interpersonal relations, which were dreamlike in varying degrees |
Sullivan, 1939/1953 |
schizophrenic smell | a reminiscent of stale sweat in unwashed clothes, could be used to distinguish the chronic schizophrenic from ‘normals’ | Jonas & Jonas, 1975 |
schizophrenic style | style found in the works of art produced by schizophrenic patients | Mayer-Grosset et al., 1960 |
schizophrenic surrender | The term ‘schizophrenic surrender’ was used to designate the impression of self-abandonment, of surrender, and of acceptance of life at a lower automatic level. This was due to constitutional inad-
equacy |
Campbell, 1943 |
schizophrenicity of communication | deviations in syntax and diction | Forrest, 1976 |
schizophreniologists | ahli genetika untuk skizofrenia | Gottesman & Shields, 1976 |
schizophrenization | acute active organic processes lead to schizophrenia | Mira, 1943 |
schizophrenoid psychosis | a particularly acute, brief, and benign disorder with schizophrenic symptomatology, but characterised by a dream-like confused state with a prominence of symptoms resembling a hysteria | Bellak, 1947/1952 |
schizopraxic | signs in the left hand, corresponding to the deeper layers of the personality, the clue for the prognosis of the course of schizophrenic syndromes | Mira, 1943 |
schizoses (jamak) | all things schizophrenic | Claude, 1924 |
schizoses (jamak) | an intermediate group supposedly existing between neurosis and psychoses | Soccaras, 1957 |
schizotaxia | an inherited neural integrative defect | Gottesman & Shields, 1976 |
schizothymia reactiva | Bornstein, 1917 | |
schizothymic family | Bornstein, 1917 | |
schizothymic personality | Bornstein, 1917 | |
schizotoxin | zat yang menyebabkan skizofrenia | Gillin et al., 1976 |
schizovirus | virus yang menyebabkan skizofrenia | Torrey, 1988 |
schizzy | skizofrenia atau segala hal yang berkaitan dengan skizofrenia. Contoh kalimat: schizzy-or-what-ever you call it | Washington Post, 1924a |
situational schizophrenia | (a hysterical psychosis of wish fulfilling nature) was also considered a form
of the schizophrenia precipitated by a severe physical, social, or sexual trauma, known as ‘postemotive schizophrenia ’ |
Milici, 1939; Milici & von Salzan, 1938 |
skizoafektif | skizoafektif | |
“symptomatic” schizophrenia | Similarly, Post argued that ‘The term “partial ” schizophrenia should be substituted for “symptomatic ” as well as for “paranoid ” schizophrenia’ | Felix Post di British Medical Journal, 1963 |
viral schizophrenia | proses atau kejadian menularnya skizofrenia | Anon, 1978a |
Rujukan (termasuk yang dipergunakan dalam tabel)
[sunting]- Andreason N.C. (1999) A unitary model of schizophrenia: Bleuler’s fragmented phrene as schizencephaly . Archives of General Psychiatry, 56, 781–7.
- Anon. (1972a) Does schizophrenia get its start early in life? Science News, 102, 263.
- Beigel, H.G. (1971) Dictionary of Psychology and Related Fields (London: George G. Harrap).
- Bleuler, M. (1972/1978) The Schizophrenic Disorders. Long-term Patient and Family Studies (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press). [Originally published as Die schizophrenen Geistesstörungen im Lichte langjähriger Kranken und Familiengeschichten (Stuttgart: Georg Thieme Verlag)]
- Deleuze, G. and Guattari, F. (2004) A Thousand Plateaus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia (London: Continuum).
- Gottesman, I. and Shields, J. (1976) A critical review of recent adoption, twin, and family studies of schizophrenia: behavioural genetics perspectives. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 2, 360–401.
- Grantt, W.H. (1953) Principles of nervous breakdown. Schizokinesis andautokinesis. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 56, 143–63.
- Guntrip, H. (1969) Schizoid Phenomena, Object Relations, and the Self (New York: International Universities Press).
- Hemphill, R.E. (1952) Incidence and nature of puerperal psychiatric illness. The British Medical Journal, 2, 1232–5.
- Hinsie, L.E. and Campbell, R.J. (1970) Psychiatric Dictionary, 4th ed. (London: Oxford University Press).
- Jelliffe, S.E., Riley, H.A., Tilney, F. and Timme, W. (eds) Schizophrenia [Dementia Praecox]; An Investigation by the Association for Research in Nervous and Mental Diseases, pp. 344–68 (New York: Paul B. Hoeber).
- Lacan, J. (1975) De la psychose paranoïaque dans ses rapports avec la personnalité (Paris: Éditions du Seuil).
- Lewis, N.D.C. (1925/1928) ‘Graphic art productions’, in: Dana, C.L., Davis, T.K.,
- Milici, P. (1939) Postemotive schizophrenia. Psychiatric Quarterly, 13, 278–93.
- Milici, P. and von Salzen, C. (1938) Situational schizophrenia. Psychiatric Quarterly, 12, 650–68.
- Minkowski, E. (1927) La schizophrénie [Schizophrenia] (Paris: Payot).
- Post, Felix (1963) Schizophrenia. British Medical Journal, 1, 1734.
- Schulhof, F. (1928) Schizo-phrenie schizo -bulie (Leipzig: Franz Deuticke).
- Torrey, E.F. (1988) Stalking the schizovirus . Schizophrenia Bulletin, 14, 223–9.
- Washington Post (1924a) Leopold and Loeb at mental border line says doctor. Washington Post, Aug 17, p. 3.
- Zajicek, B. (2014) Nervousness, mild schizophrenia, and the professional jurisdiction of Psychiatry in the USSR, 1918–1936. Ab Imperio, 4, 167–94.