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Panduan Game/Genesis/Chase H.Q. II

Dari Wikibuku bahasa Indonesia, sumber buku teks bebas


Versi Nama
Amerika Chase H.Q. II
Jepang Super H.Q.


Tombol A B C
Fungsi Rem Akselerasi Turbo


Sports 4Wheel Drive Semi Truck
Speed 16 12 8
Attack 8 12 16
Weight 10 12 16



Mission 1


Chase H.Q.


This is Nancy at Chase H.Q.. We have an emergency situation. There's been a murder. The suspect is fleeing toward the suburbs in a stolen yellow sports car. Get on it, immediately! Over.

  Yellow sportscar
Speed 11
Power 8

Town Area: Down Town (turn left) -> Highway

Workers ahead

Mission Clear


Ok! You're under arrest on suspicion of murder and robbery.

Mission 2


Chase H.Q.


This is Nancy at Chase H.Q.. We have an emergency situation. A gang member, suspected of drug dealing, has been spotted in a red European sports car on the Seaside Freeway. The suspect is making his escape. Punch the pedal! Over.

  Red sportscar
Speed 14
Power 8

Town Area: Seaside Freeway (turn left) -> Bay Bridge

High sea

Mission Clear


Ok! You're under arrest on suspicion of selling drugs.

Mission 3


Chase H.Q.


This is Nancy at Chase H.Q.. We have an emergency situation. A kidnapper is fleeing into the mountains. The target vehicle is a purple van and is heavily armed. Approach with caution! Over.

  Purple van
Speed 8
Power 14

Town Area: Mountains (turn right)

Frozen road

Snowy area

Mission Clear


Ok! You're under arrest on suspicion of kidnapping.

Mission 4


Chase H.Q.


This is Nancy at Chase H.Q.. We have an emergency situation. A violent terrorist is speeding out of control, heading westward in a souped-up green pick-up. This guy's a real lunatic. Please assure the safety of any civilian vehicles. Over.

  Green pick-up
Speed 14
Power 19

Town Area: Desert area (turn left)

Rough road

Mission Clear


Ok! You're under arrest on suspicion of terrorism.

Mission 5


Chase H.Q.


This is Nancy at Chase H.Q.. We have an emergency situation. A syndicate mob boss appears to be fleeing toward the border, the target vehicle is unknown. Apprehend him and bring him to justice. Over.

Speed ?
Power ?

Town Area: Industrial estate -> Border


Mission Clear


Ok! You're under arrest on suspicion of illegal practices, including extortion.



I want to congratulate you on a job well done. Your heroism will go on record and be remembered for a long time to come. For the successful completion of five missions, all without incident, I commend you!

Pranala luar
