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Panduan Game/NES/Adventure Island III

Dari Wikibuku bahasa Indonesia, sumber buku teks bebas


Lari / Serang Loncat



Area 1

  1. Coastal clash
  2. Bottomless pit
  3. Oak forest
  4. In the abyss
  5. Coastal clash
  6. The desolation

Area 2

  1. Bottomless pit
  2. Coastal clash
  3. Ice cave
  4. Misty haze
  5. Cascading torrent
  6. Lost forest

Area 3

  1. Oak forest
  2. Ice cave
  3. Perilous plunge
  4. In the abyss
  5. The desolation
  6. Bottomless pit

Area 4

  1. Coastal clash
  2. Oak forest
  3. The desolation
  4. Pyramid crypt
  5. In the abyss
  6. Shipwreck salvage

Area 5

  1. Bottomless pit
  2. Perilous plunge
  3. Coastal clash
  4. Oak forest
  5. Bottomless pit
  6. Fossil lair

Area 6

  1. Bone crossing
  2. Ice cave
  3. Blizzard peak
  4. Oak forest
  5. Blizzard peak
  6. Ice cave

Area 7

  1. In the abyss
  2. Oak forest
  3. Fire gorge
  4. Lost woods
  5. Shaft of darkness
  6. Thunder clash

Area 8

  1. Fire gorge
  2. Oak forest
  3. Shaft of darkness
  4. Coastal clash
  5. In the abyss
  6. Double eruption

Pranala luar
